doc. Ing. Róbert Findorák, PhD.
Associate Professor
+421 55 602 3155
Education and scientific qualifications:
- 1991: Secondary Industrial School of Metallurgy in Košice, Specialisation: Metallurgy and Metal forming
- 1996: Ing., Specialisation: Metallurgy of metals, Faculty of Metallurgy, Technical university of Košice
- 2009: PhD., Specialisation: Metallurgy of metals, Faculty of Metallurgy, Technical university of Košice
- 2015: doc., Specialisation: Metallurgy of metals, Faculty of Metallurgy, Technical university of Košice
Fields of pedagogical activity:
- Blast furnace raw materials
- Blast Furnace Technology
- Iron and steel metallurgy
- Basics of pig iron production
- Alternative iron production technologies
- Sintering of fine-grained materials
- Theory of metallurgical processes
Fields of scientific activity:
- Processing of fine-grained materials and ferrous metallurgical wastes
- Agglomeration and pelletization of metallic and non-metallic materials
- Utilisation of biomass in iron and steel metallurgy
- Fuels used in iron and steel metallurgy
Most important published articles:
- Findorák, R., Fröhlichová, M., Legemza, J., Findoráková, L.: Thermal degradation and kinetic study of sawdusts and walnut shells via thermal analysis / - 2016. In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Vol. 125, no. 2 (2016), p. 689-694.
- Legemza, J., Fröhlichová, M., Findorák, R.: Tradičné a alternatívne palivá v metalurgii / - 1. vyd. - Košice : TU - 2015. - 286 s.. - ISBN 978-80-553-2154-7.
- Findorák, R., Fröhlichová, M., Legemza, J.: Potential of ilmenite sand application in the iron ore materials agglomeration / - 2014. In: Metalurgija. Vol. 53, no. 1 (2014), p. 9-12.
- Fröhlichová, M.,Legemza, J., Findorák, R., Mašlejová, A.: Biomass as a source of energy in iron ore agglomerate production process / - 2014. In: Archives of Metallurgy and Materials. Vol. 59, no. 2 (2014), p. 815-820.
- Fröhlichová, M., Findorák, R., Legemza, J.: Structural analysis of sinter with titanium addition, (2013) In: Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 58 (1), pp. 179-185.