Doctoral studies - IMTech

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Doctoral studies
Characteristic of the Graduate:
The graduate has a deep knowledge and understanding of theories and concepts in the field of: metal production, metal casting, foundry, production and application of non-metallic materials, chemistry, physical metallurgy, high-temperature processes, thermal engineering and metallurgical energy; has an overview of current technical innovations in the field of designing research and development, respectively.The graduate has a good understanding of the current technical innovations in the field of metallurgy. The student has a detailed knowledge of the methods and means of control and simulation of processes; stationary and dynamic analysis of the studied processes, assessment of thermal stresses, flow, dynamics of hydromechanical and thermodynamic systems, heat and mass transfer, as well as the interaction of transfer phenomena with chemical reactions. It provides a detailed knowledge of the mathematical apparatus and principles necessary for the design and implementation of numerical and physical simulations of metallurgical processes. The student is proficient in the means of mathematical modelling and logical principles of processes at a high level.

The graduate is a top professional capable of independently solving problems of science and research or other very demanding tasks of practice; establishes scientific hypotheses or assumptions for solving problems directed towards the development of the field and practice, proposes scientific procedures for testing hypotheses, is able to present and defend his/her solutions before the professional community, to conduct a discussion about them in a foreign language, is able to write and publish a scientific thesis and to publish his/her own original results in a peer-reviewed journal at the national or international level, is able to contribute creatively and substantially to new solutions, has a high capacity for self-education to achieve a high degree of flexibility in the labour market, has good organisational skills, and has a well-developed ability to assimilate new information and to solve new technical problems; is able to practically use, develop and elaborate computer-based approaches in solving technical problems; is able to use basic and specific experimental methodologies and independently carry out even challenging experiments in the laboratory, is able to process and evaluate experimental results at a high professional level; is able to carry out independent, original and peer-reviewed, internationally publishable research that goes beyond the current frontiers of knowledge in the field. Analyses results and proposes solutions, optimisation, intensification of processes. Solves by means of mathematical modelling of thermo-technical processes. Analyses the energy intensity of processes and presents proposals for solutions. Proposes, submits and provides solutions to projects.

Teaching courses
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New study programmes are in the phase of accreditation approval
New study programme
Metallurgical technologies and the digital transformation of industry

The study programme Metallurgical Technology and Digital Transformation of Industry provides a broad education in metal metallurgy, foundry, thermal engineering, recycling, quality management, industrial management, digitalisation, computerisation, automation and industrial sustainability. The graduate profile, which is in line with the supporting themes of the core of the discipline, includes a deep knowledge and understanding of theories and concepts in the areas of metal production and casting, production and application of non-metallic materials, chemistry, physical metallurgy, high temperature processes, thermal engineering, metallurgical energy, digitalization and computerization of industry, industrial data flow, and environmental sustainability of industrial production. Graduates of the Metallurgical Technology and Digital Transformation of Industry study programme are well versed in current technical innovations in the field, which enables them to participate effectively in the design of research and development, as well as in the development of professional practice.

He/she has a detailed knowledge of methods and tools for process control and simulation, stationary and dynamic analysis of the processes under study, data analysis and data evaluation, assessment of thermal stress, flow, dynamics and hydromechanical and thermodynamic systems, heat and mass transfer, and the interaction of transfer phenomena with chemical reactions. The graduate has a deep knowledge of the mathematical apparatus and principles required to design and perform numerical and physical simulations of metallurgical and foundry processes. He/she has a high level knowledge of mathematical modelling tools and logical principles of processes. He/she is able to independently solve problems of science and research as well as other very demanding tasks of practice. Can establish scientific hypotheses and propose solutions to problems that contribute to the development of the discipline and practice. He/she can present and defend his/her solutions to the professional community, conduct discussions in a foreign language, and can write and publish scientific papers, presenting his/her results in peer-reviewed journals at the national and international level.

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