prof. Ing. Jaroslav Legemza, PhD.
+421 55 602 3155
Education and scientific qualifications:
- 1987: High school, Snina, Slovakia
- 1991: Ing., Programme: Metallurgy of iron and steel, Faculty of metallurgy, Technical university of Košice
- 1999: PhD., Programme: Metallurgy of metals, Faculty of metallurgy, Technical university of Košice
- 2004: University pedagogy according to European standards, Department of Engineering Education, Technical University of Košice
- 2009: doc., Programme: Metallurgy of metals, Faculty of metallurgy, Technical university of Košice
- 2020: prof., Programme: Metallurgy, Faculty of metallurgy, Technical university of Košice
Fields of pedagogical activity:
- Steel
- Iron metallurgy
- Preparation of blast furnace charge
- IT in metallurgy
- Automated process control in metallurgy
- Applied software
- Non-traditional iron production technologies
- Ferroalloy production
- Electrometallurgy of steel production
- Mineral raw materials
Fields of scientific activity:
- research in the field of agglomerate production
- research into the production of metallised pellets
- research into the processing of secondary ferrous materials
- thermodynamic studies of Fe-Mn-Cr-Ni-Pb-Zn-O-C based systems
- research on electrode materials
- research on raw materials for the production of ferroalloys
- research on the processing of slags from the production of manganese ferroalloys
Most important published articles:
- ACB001 FRÖHLICHOVÁ, Mária - LEGEMZA, Jaroslav - KUCKOVÁ, Anna - MAJERČÁK, Štefan: Hutníctvo železa / - 1. vyd - Košice : TU, - 2004. - 151 s. - ISBN 80-8073-184-5
- ADC001 FRÖHLICHOVÁ, Mária - FINDORÁK, Róbert - LEGEMZA, Jaroslav: Structural Analysis of Sinter with Titanium Addition / - 2013. In: Archives of Metallurgy and Materials. Vol. 58, no. 1 (2013), p. 179-185. - ISSN 1733-3490
- AAB001 LEGEMZA, Jaroslav - FRÖHLICHOVÁ, Mária - FINDORÁK, Róbert: Tradičné a alternatívne palivá v metalurgii / - 1. vyd. - Košice : TU - 2015. - 286 s.. - ISBN 978-80-553-2154-7
- ABC001 LEGEMZA, Jaroslav - FRÖHLICHOVÁ, Mária - FINDORÁK, Róbert: The use of traditional and alternative carbonaceous fuels in the production of agglomerates / - 2015. In: Selected Directions of Development of Metallurgical Technology. - Czestochowa : Czestochowa university of technology, 2015 P. 37-60. - ISBN 978-83-63989-34-7 - ISSN 2391-632X
- ADC002 FRÖHLICHOVÁ, Mária - LEGEMZA, Jaroslav - FINDORÁK, Róbert - MAŠLEJOVÁ, Alica: Biomass as a source of energy in iron ore agglomerate production process / - 2014. In: Archives of Metallurgy and Materials. Vol. 59, no. 2 (2014), p. 815-820. - ISSN 2300-1909